Phases of the Moon

A lunar phase or phase of the moon refers to the appearance of the illuminated portion of the Moon as seen by an observer, usually on Earth. The lunar phases vary cyclically as the Moon orbits the Earth, according to the changing relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun....I was asked to keep a 6 week journal of the moon, to illustrate verbally and visually what I see each night for six weeks of consectutive days . I will post my observations and pictures regularily. Enjoy!!

The Lunar Phases

The Lunar Phases

First Landing on the Moon

Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday 2/28

Unfortunately, the sky was filled with dark grey clouds, nothing
in sight not even a star... pouring rain all day long, horrible weather

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday 2/27

Once again, the moon is hiding, someone told me it should be
coming out again soon, they said that when there is a new moon,
the moon is known to disappear for a few days, maybe this is what is happening?
Not sure.....only time will tell.........

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday 2/26

Very cold and cloudy night, unable to see any stars or the moon
for that matter. It is so odd that the moon does the same thing for a number
of days then changes, I am starting to notice a pattern here!

Friday 2/25

Another perfectly clear night and another moonless night. I am beginning
to think mother nature is playing an evil trick on me. Hopefully I will see it tomorrow.
It has now been five days since an official moon sighting?!!! I always thought you
could see the moon on a clear night no matter where it is in rotation, apparently not.....

Thursday 2/24

Tonight was much like last night; very hard time trying to find the moon.
 I looked in the front and the back of the house could not find it anywhere?!
This just doesn't make sense, it is very clear and I can see the stars very nicely
and everything. Where is the moon?!

Wednesday 2/23

Once again, I could not find the moon! It was a perfectly clear night
and I could not locate it. Why is it hiding from me?!

Tuesday 2/22

Once again, I could not find the moon! It was a perfectly clear night and
 I could not locate it. I got up in the middle of the night and checked again,
and it was right in front of my house?! Very confusing, I am not sure where it
was last night, it definitely wasn’t where I found it at 4am this morning!!!

Monday 2/21

Tonight was much like last night; very hard time trying to find the moon.
I looked in the front and the back of the house, took a picture of what I though
was the moon hiding behind the clouds. Very cold outside, but not as bad as it
was over the weekend!

Sunday 2/20

Today was better than yesterday, wind was calmer, the clouds were in the sky though;
could barely locate where the moon was in the sky tonight! Not sure if it was in the front
or the back of my house, took a picture of a spot where the sky looked like it was lit,
not totally sure though.

Saturday 2/19

Today was worst than yesterday!!! It was super windy and bitter cold outside.
The sky was very dark, the moon was very bright and round, but very far away!
I think this was the coldest yet!

Friday 2/18

Full Moon 8:36
Today was very windy and extremely cold!!!! The clouds were passing by the moon
making it very hard to take a picture; I must have taken six or seven shots until I was
able to capture the view of the moon.  When the clouds weren’t blocking it, it was big and bright!
I think it might have been a full moon tonight!!!! Just hard to capture!

Thursday 2/17

Tonight the moon was beautiful! Perfectly round lighting up the whole sky!
Still had to look out of the back of my house to find it though! Nicest view of the moon yet!!!!

Wednesday 2/16

The cold weather is back, Monday was just a tease! The moon is still in the back
of my house now and bigger than ever! I can see most of the moon once again,
amazing how it is similar for a couple of days before it changes!

Tuesday 2/15

Ok so tonight I went out my front door to observe the moon and I couldn’t find it,
at first I thought it just wasn’t visible; then I let my dog out sometime later (out of my back door)
and the moon was there?! Completely opposite side of the house that it has been since I started
this journal!!! Very big and bright, was able to see most of it.

Monday 2/14

Tonight the moon the nicest to observe. It appeared to be bigger
than all of the other nights and I could see almost all of it! Nicest
weather since I started this journal as well.

Sunday 2/13

Tonight the moon was the brightest it has been thus far, could see most of it,
no clouds, still very cold out.

Saturday 2/12

Tonight we had clear skies and say the most of the moon so far.
Very far away in the sky, but I saw the most tonight.

Friday 2/11

Still cannot see more than half of the moon, but best visual so far!!
I love how the moon is always in the same area at night when I am
doing my observations.

Thursday 2/10

I feel like the moon looks very similar for a few days in a row, then changes.
I am not sure if this is true, I guess only time will tell. Once again bitter cold outside,
but moon was a bit easier to find-less clouds in the sky.

Wednesday 2/9

Today was a bit easier to see but really, really cold!!! At first look, I couldn’t see the moon,
it was really, really, really cloudy, then I looked an hour later, and was able to see part of it
very far away though.

Tuesday 2/8

Today was very hard to see the moon, very faint- it was very cloudy and windy!!!
The clouds were moving so fast when I observed the moon!!

Monday 2/7

Today it was snowing out and you could barely see the moon